Giving thanks — for you and so much more!

30 years with Wycliffe Bible Translators

Thanksgiving reminds us to thank the Lord for our prayer and financial partners. You bless us tremendously!

At our house Jim and I like to start early, searching out ways to focus our Christmas giving on the world. Rejoice — this year Wycliffe has a new website and online catalog! You can click here to see the catalog and share it with others. If you scroll down past our picture (Jim and I have a personalized page in the gift catalog, too!) you can browse many different kinds of projects.  

Please pray for:

  • one member (highly skilled in Greek) to join the team Jim coordinates, so they can quickly complete the entire New Testament Lexicon project for translators around the world.
  • contacts with Wycliffe families and teachers who will share all sorts of different recipes, pictures and fun facts for a new children’s project.

We praise the Lord for:

  • everyone who partners with us in Bible translation through prayer, friendship, physical labor and finances.
  • the measure of health and strength needed to keep contributing to the Bible translation effort.
  • a home with rooms for my (Dorothea’s) mother.
  • the new A – Z children’s book, “Around the World with Kate and Mack” that’s all about Bible translation.
  • family and friends who love us so well, and whom we can love back.
  • challenges that drive us to our Lord.
  • a loving, Bible-based church and home group.
  • so much more – an endless list!

Around the World W Kate and Mack 9780938978497-2T

Thankful to Jesus,

Jim and Dorothea’s new Address: 13643 SE Jamie Ct, Clackamas OR 97015
[Jim phone (503) 704-4442, Dorothea (503) 914-9662]

#kidsbook #thanksgiving #ChristmasCatalog

Don’t You Mess with my Bible

eaq-women-readingLatest Post


Bob and Dallas Creson
In the Andes mountains of Peru, in a town called Abancay, a 12-year-old boy has just received one of the greatest treasures that he will ever receive – the Scriptures in his mother tongue. My wife, Dallas, and I had the privilege, along with several friends, of traveling by bus from Cuzco up and over two mountain ranges and down into Abancay to attend the celebration of this boy’s Eastern Apurimac Quechua New Testament.

One of the friends with us was Johnnie Moore, Vice President for Communications at Liberty University. Johnnie was sitting in the back of the room during the long, exuberant celebration when he noticed a copy of the New Testament on the plastic chair in front of him. That was his first glimpse of the Book, and since the 12-year-old owner was quite engaged in the worship service, Johnnie decided to reach down and grab the Book and take a look at it.

Out of the corner of his eye, the young boy saw him reach for the New Testament. He turned around and gave Johnnie a stern look. Then he pointed his finger at Johnnie and waved it from side to side, clearly meaning, “Don’t you mess with my Bible.”

Johnnie says, “He didn’t speak my language and I didn’t speak his, but the message was loud and clear. That was a precious jewel that he had been given. I sat there and thought, ‘Who is this kid going to be one day? What is he going to do for God, what is he going to do for his country, and what can he do now that he can read those words?’ He was one of the first children in all of history to own an Eastern Apurimec Quechua New Testament. I will never forget the experience.”

eaq-boyAfter the song service ended, the boy sat down, and Dallas happened to be sitting next to him. The boy held his shiny Bible quietly on his lap, not fidgeting or squirming. When the pastor instructed the congregation to turn to 2 Timothy 3, the boy started turning the pages from the front of the New Testament. Dallas leaned over to help him. He let her find 2 Timothy, but then he gently moved her hand aside and searched for the chapter and verse himself. He began to follow along with the pastor, his finger moving under each syllable of Quechua. People behind him leaned over and followed along with him.

This boy was equipped to start using his New Testament immediately because of a literacy program run by AIDIA*, a Peruvian-run organization focused on transforming the Apurimac region through the translation and application of God’s Word in Quechua. In fact, he was even conducting a literacy class of his own, his little finger running under every syllable, with Quechuan grandmothers and Johnnie Moore leaning over his shoulder, learning to read as they compared the audible word with the printed word.

Clearly this was not the boy’s first encounter with the Good News, but on that day in April 2013, Jesus sat down beside him in that row of plastic chairs, and gently, clearly spoke into his heart in a whole new way.

I invite you to pray for this boy and for the rest of the Eastern Apurimec Quechua people. Pray that as Jesus speaks to them, they will listen and allow Him to transform their hearts and their culture.

*AIDIA is an acronym for “Asociacion Interdenomicacional Para el Desarrollo Integral de Apurimac.” In English, that’s “Interdenominational Association for the Integral Development of Apurimac.”

[Thanks to Bob Creson who shared this story and gave permission for us to share it freely.]

Kids Helping Kids

Moving the Office Home

Wycliffe Portland’s shared workspace closes this month. I thought you might enjoy a few pictures of the lovely little office some friends from Lebanon First Baptist built in the garage for me. They put it in a corner, so that they only had to erect two temporary walls. They can come down easily in the future. God continues to bless us over and above what we can ask or think, especially through His children.

Outside Wall

Entry door looking out

Small start

The view out the window–I saved the best for last!


   “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9, NIV).Can you imagine that even the most breath-taking earthly sight pales in comparison to what God has prepared for those who love Him? Not even sounds that bring our highest earthly joy, nor our most pleasurable imaginations can compare!Every time I experience a “wow” moment, God uses this verse to remind me–I’m experiencing only a dim reflection of life to come. Sometimes it’s hard to wait. In this case, expectation will not be the most enjoyable part of the experience!

P.S. Yes, you do see my contact lens floating there. Thankfully, we won’t need those to see clearly in the life to come.

I believe…in Scripture!

Listen with clear ears and process quickly. I like this poem by David Bowen better each time I do!

For my Savior Knows my Name…

Fierce emotions encircle your name, my name, everyone’s name. We learn our names even before we realize that learning exists. Makes me smile every time I hear Selah sing the line, “And I will not be ashamed, for my Savior knows my name…” 

Today Jim’s father called him by name! For many months he has not recognized him or has addressed Jim as if he were his brother-in-law Alvin, brother Harold or old friend, Jack, all long passed into eternity. Jim’s father could even answer two or three “yes/no” questions. A few more roadmaps in his mind seemed to connect today. These remarkable moments of clarity passed quickly. Regardless, father and son enjoyed a cup of coffee together as two sons of the King. 

Some adult children cry, feel rejected, abandoned, even heart-broken when a parent no longer recongizes them. Jim has never experienced those emotions. He says he doesn’t take it personally. Strokes and Alzheimer’s Disease cause physical changes in the brain. Knowing so many things simply elude his dad now.

Personally, I wonder if this not being known stings less because Jim’s Savior knows his name. When an earthly parent no longer knows me, will I feel satisfied that my Heavenly Fathers forever does? I ought to. After all, Jesus said to His disciples, “..rejoice that your names are written in heaven”  (Luke 10:20, NIV). Learning while living here… 

Bill and Jim Lander

Children like olive plants around your table


“Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, your children like olive plants around your table” (Psalm 128:2, NASB).

After worshipful Easter services, God blessed part of our family with a day together. Ev and Scott just returned from Haiti. Nick, Liz, Alyssa and Ace finished some Portland time before heading back to Astoria. In no intended order, here are some scenes of our happy day together, inside of course because it was a rainy Oregon day. Contended sigh…

As cold water to a thirsty soul…

Dew drops on bleeding heart blossoms

“As cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a far country”
(Proverbs 25:25, NKJV).
Oregonians consider Spring, which seems to come from far away, to be very, very good news even if it comes with rain drops on the bleeding hearts.

Loaded with Benefits!

What do Butterfingers, more Butterfingers, yellow flowers of friendship, cards both huge and small, lots of hugs, pictures, picture frames, cake and ice cream, veggies and dip, strawberries, cyclamen, video Skype calls from afar, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, physical therapy practice in the kitchen with a  bowling ball, sidewalk chalk drawings, Parcheesi, friends from church/work/senior bowling leagues have in common? We saw all that at our house yesterday, April 9, 2011, during Mother’s 95th birthday party.

Mother finished 95 years with a bang! She has now begun her 96th year, as she likes to say. God has most abundantly blessed our family and friends with many years to enjoy Mother’s company.  Here are a few snapshots of the day to treasure.

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah
(Psalm 68:19, AKJV).